Econet Hikes The Price Of Their WhatsApp Bundle To $85 ZWL, Here Are The Prices Of Other Bundles-May 2020

Last Updated: May 8, 2020By Tags:

Earlier this week Econet effected a series of hikes to their data bundles. While it was their Private WiFi bundle that garnered all the headlines when it saw a 225% hike from $400 ZWL to a whooping $1 300 ZWL it is by no means the only bundle that got a hike. The popular monthly WhatsApp bundle saw its price being increased from $53 ZWL to $85 ZWL.

Econet also fiddled with its daily social media bundles. Included in the changes was the introduction of a new daily WhatsApp bundle that goes for$1.00 ZWL. Before you get too excited you should know the bundle comes with a paltry 4 MB of data. Unless one disables media downloads on WhatsApp such a bundle would not last very long. The bundle is complimented by old and familiar 12MB,20MB and 45MB daily bundles.

Another change is the fact that Econet no longer charges the same amount for bundles of different services. Before this latest change bundles of the same size would attract the same price regardless of what service they were meant for. For example, both Snapchat and WhatsApp weekly bundles went for $19 for the 140MB bundle. Now the WhatsApp and Facebook bundles are more expensive.

Daily Social Bundle Prices

BundleCovered ServicesCost (ZWL)Validity
4MBWhatsApp and Pinterest$124 hours
12MBWhatsApp and Pinterest$3.5024 hours
20MBWhatsApp, Pinterest and Sasai$5.524 hours
20MBFacebook, Snapchat and Sasai$5.524 hours
20MBInstagram and Sasai$4.0024 hours
20MBTwitter, LinkedIn and Sasai$4.0024 hours
45MBInstagram and Sasai$9.0024 hours
45MBTwitter, LinkedIn and Sasai$9.0024 hours
45MBWhatsApp$11.0024 hours
45MBFacebook,SnapChat and Sasai$11.0024 hours

Weekly Social Media Bundles

BundleCovered ServicesCost (ZWL)Validity Period
65MBWhatsApp, Pinterest and Sasai$13.007 days
140MBWhatsApp, Pinterest and Sasai$30.007 days
140MBFacebook, SnapChat and Sasai$30.007 days
140MBInstagram and Sasai$25.007 days
140MBTwitter, LinkedIn and Sasai$25.007 days

Monthly Social Media Bundles

BundleCovered ServicesCost (ZWL)Validity
240MBWhatsApp, Pinterest and Sasai$55.001 Month
400MBWhatsApp, Pinterest and Sasai$85.001 Month
400MBFacebook, SnapChat and Sasai$85.001 Month
400MBInstagram and Sasai$65.001 Month
400MBTwitter, LinkedIn and Sasai$65.001 Month

Click here to see the complete list of Econet’s current SMS call and Data Prices

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