The Prices Of Fruits And Vegetables From Selected Supermarkets For The Month End Of September 2019

Last Updated: September 28, 2019By Tags: , , ,

Given the eye-watering prices of both chicken and beef you might want to find refuge in vegetables instead. While the prices of vegetables has gone up they still remain relatively affordable given the amounts involved in buying them.

The price of Apples has gone up significantly. That is hardly surprising though given the fact that this is not exactly Apple season with most of the fruit now being either imported or coming from cold rooms. Even during the USD pricing era, prices would go up at this time. Our currency woes have just made the situation worse.

We were however surprised not to see plums in stores. Expect them and Transvalia peaches to appear soon enough. Perhaps in the coming two weeks.

Fruit and vegetable prices

ItemOKFood WorldChoppiesPick N Pay
Irvine's sausage 500g28.6020.0022.99
Irvine's Liver 250g
Irvine's gizzards 1kg18.75
Sable Matumbu 1kg9.8027.99
  • If there is no price it simply means that item was not available in the shop at the time we conducted our survey

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