Telecel’s Megaboost versus NetOne’s Fusion, which offers more value -updated October 2021

The easiest and most hustle-free way to get internet access [...]

By |2021-10-05T09:21:45+02:00September 12, 2021|Analysis and Opinion, Market Intelligence|0 Comments

ZESA says it will compensate those who lose property due to power surges-it might not be so easy

Recently the minister of energy said that ZESA would compensate [...]

By |2021-08-03T07:16:34+02:00August 3, 2021|Analysis and Opinion, News|0 Comments

The public starts to reject the $10 ZWL note as the RBZ desperately pull the legal tender card again

It's something any idiot could have predicted. When I heard [...]

DStv’s Multichoice will soon start allowing people to choose their own channels

A lot of people have been asking for something like [...]

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