lorry with bananas

Vehicle Inspection Department (VID) Fees

Last Updated: June 1, 2022By

The following fees are currently effective as of December 2020:

ItemFee in ZWL$
Learner’s Licence1 000.00
Certificate of Competency for Classes 3 and 41 7000.00
Certificate of Competency for Class 1,2 and 52 100.00
Production1 200.00
Duplicate Learner’s Licence1 200.00
Information Search Fee400.00
Garage Inspection1 500.00
Duplicate Certificate of Fitness1 500.00
Storage Fee Per Day1 500.00
Overload Fee Per KG50.00
Overload Fee (Foreign Vehicle) Per KGU$0.50
Using Under2 000.00
Voluntary Inspection1 500.00
Verification1 500.00
Application for Certificate of Fitness (Light vehicles)1 500.00
Application for Certificate of Fitness (Heavy vehicles)2 000.00
Reinspection of Vehicles1 500.00
RT16 Fee (Light)1 500.00
RT16 Fee (Heavy)2 000.00


  • Like everyone else the government seems to be using a rate of 1 USD : 100 ZWL