
Poverty Datum Lines For Zimbabwe- February 2021

Last Updated: February 1, 2021By

As already noted in our article, ZIMSTAT has now changed the way they calculate the poverty datum line. In addition to one number for the entire nation, they now publish provincial data as well. Below are the poverty datum lines for Zimbabwe as of November 2020 (this is the latest data, these lines are calculated in retrospect. December figures will probably come out around mi-January).

For an individual, not to be deemed poor in his/her respective province, his/her total income should be above the given lines shown in the table below:

Bulawayo3 330.374 696.06
Manicaland3 476.054 403.99
Mashonaland Central3 627.535 410.79
Mashonaland East3 117.534 165.59
Mashonaland West3 106.524 537.19
Matabeleland North3 362.174 480.11
Matabeleland2 830.313 625.59
Midlands3 242.724 138.98
Masvingo3 414.654 636.15
Harare3 072.214 192.56
  • National Food Poverty Line (FPL) was 3 279.00 in November 2020
  • The National Total Consumption Line (TCPL) for one person stood at $4 426.00 in November 2020
  • Based on this data, Harare is the cheapest province to live in Zimbabwe.