ZESA Goes Back To Stage 2 Load Shedding

Last Updated: October 16, 2019By Tags: , ,

ZESA has just announced that due to power shortages in South Africa, they will be implementing stage 2 load shedding today. Eskom, South Africa’s power utility has advised South Africans in certain cities that they will be subjected to load-shedding from 9 am to 11 pm.

ZESA has said that this power deficit in South Africa will lead to reduced power imports. To protect the national grid they will be going back to stage 2 where we are subjected to 18 hours without power. It is not clear how long this will last.

Eskom announces loadshedding

October had begun well

The power situation had improved somewhat ever since the country reached a deal with Mozambique and more units came online at Hwange. This saw load-shedding going down do around 12 hours for most people now it seems we are going back to the stone ages from whence we came. October had started on a better note.

This is sad especially given the fact that people are now paying more for electricity.

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