ZEC asks US and European observers to pay US$400 for local by elections

Last Updated: October 18, 2022By Tags: , ,

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has just announced the accreditation fees required for local, regional and international observers for the upcoming by local elections in Matobo War 2 and Insiza Ward 4. To say the figures are eye-popping is an understatement. Observers from outside Africa who include European and US observers will be asked to pay US$400 per person to observe the harmonised elections. Observers attached to foreign embassies will be required to pay an accreditation fee of US$300.

The rest of the fees are as follows:

  • Local observers will be asked to pay US$10 or ZWL equivalent at bank rate
  • Observers from the African continent US$100
  • Observers from foreign embassies in Zimbabwe US$300
  • Observers from outside Africa US$400
  • Journalists accredited with the Zimbabwe Media Commission working for foreign media houses US$100
  • Zimbabwean journalists working for local media US$10 or ZWL equivalent.

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