There are sacred cows in the way ZACC fights corruption

Last Updated: September 2, 2022By

When it comes to corruption, whether in everyday life or in the upper echelons of power, Zimbabwe has consistently ranked up there with the worst of the worst. It is one reason why desperately needed investment has not flowed into Zimbabwe. Even the government is aware of the country’s negative perception that the country gets internationally. This is why in a recent interview with the state-owned Herald, the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) claimed there were committed to stamping out corruption.

In the words of ZACC spokesperson John Makamure there are no sacred cows in the organisation’s fight against corruption.

The policy of the Government is zero tolerance for any form of corruption. The National Anti-Corruption Strategy (2020-2024), launched by His Excellency President Mnangagwa on 11 July 2020, is the main strategy in the fight against corruption.

In individual cases of corruption, every case will be investigated and punished in accordance with the dictates of our laws. There should be no sacred cows.

The government will have zero tolerance for corruption and this has already begun. We are not looking at political affiliation in making arrests.

ZACC is on track to meet its targets set for this year. In the area of investigations, the Commission’s target is to investigate and complete 75 per cent of the cases received.

Of the received and investigated cases, 65 per cent will be submitted to the National Prosecuting Authority as completed dockets.

The anti-corruption fight has two pillars: investigations for prosecution and asset recovery and prevention of corruption.

The Commission is attaching equal importance to prevention this year. One of the key interventions to prevent corruption is through systems review and compliance spot checks and the rollout of integrity pledges and the establishment of integrity committees in public and private institutions.

So far 27 public institutions have established integrity committees with ZACC assistance.

ZACC Spokesperson

Catch and release

That should be ZACC’s real motto because it is basically their modus operandi when it comes to high-level corruption their cases take a familiar turn. While the spokesperson focused on good-sounding numbers he somehow omitted one important fact. Most of the high-level cases often fizzle out with the perps enjoying their freedom. While the organisation is happy to go after teachers for doing extra lessons they run in the other direction when it comes to high-level corruption they self-sabotage.

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