Senior Citizens in Harare qualify for a 50% discount on council bills

Last Updated: September 15, 2022By Tags: ,

As most Zimbabweans probably know, great discount deals are hard to come by in this country. This is why we were pleasantly surprised to learn of Harare City Councils’ “senior citizen” discount where residents of Harare who are above the age of 65 years qualify for discounts of up to 50% on certain monthly bills. If you or someone else you know have not been taking advantage of this offer then you have been missing out on a rare and awesome deal that could help you stretch whatever income you have.

Council has a senior citizen discount policy for all those over 65 years. I thought it necessary to share the information so that residents who are not yet benefitting can register for the discount.

Kudzai Kadzome, Counciler and Chairperson of Harare City Council’s General Purposes Committee

Based on the councillor’s statement and from asking around it seems not many people are aware of this senior discount and are therefore missing out. The discount is meant to be a win-win for both council and residents as it is hoped that it will boost revenue collection and induce more people to pay up their rates areas as well as settle other outstanding debts. Data from the Harare City Council shows that the council is getting less than half the revenue it can potentially collect with a lot of people defaulting on their rates.

How to take advantage of the discount?

To qualify for the discount you or the person who wants to take advantage of the discount must be over 65 years old, and a resident of Harare as demonstrated by owning property there. If you meet these conditions then you need to visit your nearest council offices in order to apply for the discount.

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