Robbers take US$5 000 from Mashwede as robberies skyrocket

Last Updated: January 11, 2022By Tags: , ,

Yesterday (Monday 11) some robbers pounced on Mashwede Holdings in Southlea Park and got away with US$5 000. According to reports, the robbers attacked the guards who were guarding the premises and escaped away with the safe which contained the money. This robbery is one of the many robberies that the country has witnessed in recent months. The bulk of these robberies have been attributed to rogue members of the security services.

The police for their part claim they have everything under control:

We are not facing any challenges in fighting armed robberies. In fact, we are on top of the situation.

As you are aware, we were given brand new all-terrain vehicles for the CID Homicide Section and also a substantial amount of fuel for operations.

We are well equipped to fight armed robberies. The police are ready to stamp out armed robberies.

Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi

The rising number of robberies seems to contradict this assumption. To be fair though the police have been mostly vigilant. The problem is a lot of businesses are no longer entrusting their money to the banking system thanks to the mercurial policies of the current administration. This and the increased usage of the US dollar has made a lot of cash-based businesses easy targets.

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