Pictures Cooking Oil Selling For $172 ZWL At Spar Gweru, Businesses Now Ripping-Off Desperate Customers

Last Updated: March 24, 2020By

As the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic has been impressed upon the minds of Zimbabweans, selfish business people have not taken long to seize the opportunity to make a killing as scores of desperate people try to buy basics in anticipation of a shutdown. A Spar outlet in Gweru is said to be selling 2 litres of cooking oil for $172 ZWL and a sugar for $72 ZWL.

Overprice cooking Oil at Spar Gweru. Pics by K Mugova via Twitter.
Sugar selling for $72. Pic by K Mugova via Twitter.

Some out of touch experts call for ban on imports

Frankly while this sounds reasonable it’s incredibly foolish and will just see people starving. Thanks to neglect Zimbabwe cannot meet its own internal needs. A few weeks will see us howling for the borders to be opened as people starve.

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