Picture: Small Pocket Of Onions Going For $299 ZWL In One Shop

Last Updated: April 21, 2020By

While most businesses are suffering some retailers have been using the lockdown period to make a tidy profit, preying on the fact that most of their customers have limited mobility due to lockdown rules. Yesterday we learnt of retailers in Bulawayo’s suburbs that are overcharging their customers. A few weeks ago we also heard from customers around the country who are being forced to pay crazy margins for basics.

Well it seems the problem is just as widespread as it seems. Former Steward CEO Lance Mambondiani recently shared a picture showing a small pocket of onions going for a shocking $299 in one shop. It’s not clear what shop it is but based on the picture it looks like an OK supermarket price tag although this has not been confirmed. The angle of the tag does not show the name of the shop.

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