New Harare Municipal Clinic Fees In USD, Payment Can Be Done At Prevailing Rates

Last Updated: July 16, 2020By Tags: ,

Earlier today we learnt that Harare City Council was in the process of seeking permission from the national government so as to get permission to be able to quote the cost of various services in USD dollars. Now the Council has published it’s latest Municipal clinic fees which are in US dollars. Patients have the option to pay these fees in Zimbabwean dollars at prevailing rates.

The new fees are as follows:

  • Adults US $5 or equivalent
  • Children US $3 or equivalent
  • Martenity Fees US $25 ore equivalent

Again to reiterate, the basis for these fees will be US dollars. Patients can then pay the ZWL equivalent on a particular day depending on the prevailing rate. Currently the rate is changing each week after the foreign currency auction.

Anger loading

This practice has sparked anger in the past. About a week ago City Parking, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Harare City Council introduced USD parking fees with motorists being asked to pay in Zimbabwean dollars. There was a lot of anger with people resorting to their favourite argument: if prices are now in USD then surely salaries must also be in USD!

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