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NetOne Warns Customers That Some Tariffs Will Go Up Starting Tomorrow

Last Updated: August 7, 2019By Tags: , , ,

NetOne is finally joining Telecel and Econet who effected tariff increases weeks ago citing the economy as their excuse. The government-owned mobile network operator has warned customers that their data and SMS tariffs are set to go up starting Thursday 8 August.

Dear Valued Customer,
Please be advised that NetOne will be adjusting Data and SMS bundle prices effective Thursday 8 August 2019.
NB: All other prices remain unchanged.

During the last price hike, NetOne had data bundles going for as much as $1500. That was already way above what consumers could afford so the question remains on how high they can raise these prices without pricing most people out of their products.

Also judging from their advertisements the delay in hiking prices might well have been a gambit to gain market share. The bet being that once people made the switch they would keep their NetOne lines even after tariffs were raised to meet those of the competition.

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  1. […] three weeks since Econet hiked their data and SMS bundle tariffs. Telecel soon followed suit but NetOne’s tariffs stayed the […]

  2. […] promised NetOne announced new data and SMS bundle tariffs today. Also as everyone expected the review was just […]

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