Over the past few days, we have noticed ZESA’s load-shedding has become more aggressive than usual. As it turns out there are good reasons for it. Apparently, there is another fault at Hwange Thermal station. Which is both surprising and unsurprising. It’s unsurprising because the power station at Hwange has had many such devastating faults in the past. resulting in intensive load-shedding. It is surprising because we have also been told on many occasions that Hwange has been upgraded at great cost with the bill running into millions.

Below is a notice from ZESA.



ZESA Holdings would like to advise its valued customers countrywide that there is limited power supply in the national grid as a result of a technical fault that affected Hwange Power Station. The technical fault has resulted in depressed generation of electricity at Hwange Power Station. Restoration of service is underway and customers are advised to use the available power sparingly.

The inconvenience caused is sincerely regretted.

Stakeholder Relations – 08 November 2021

At least ZESA is honest and publicises their faults

While this is disappointing we can take a little bit of comfort in the fact that ZESA was upfront about the issue causing long load-shedding hours with most suburbs spending hours in the dark. There is also the fact that they are not the only utility in the region facing such issues. South Africa is going through stage four loadshedding because of technical faults. If it’s happening in the continent’s developed nation what hope do we have.

ZESA’s upfront notice can be contrasted with how councils have been mum when it comes to water woes. Surbubs spend days and often weeks without water with barely a word on the issue. Just like ZESA’s equipment, water infrastructure in most urban areas including Harare is in dire need of repairs and attention. Pipe bursts are a daily occasion with thousands spent pumping water that will never reach it’s destination.

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