Playing Goats

Horror scenes as Vet department destroy 80 goats

Last Updated: October 24, 2022By Tags: ,

Zimbabwe’s Vet Department recently drew the ire of citizens for posting a gory video in which they butchered 80 goats and destroyed their carcasses. The goats belonged to a Gokwe farmer who was transporting them without all the necessary paperwork. According to the Vet Department, the goats were coming from a high-risk area where foot and mouth are prevalent. It is not clear why the Vet Department did not make the farmer turn back or make him get his goats tested before destroying them. The organisation has been accused of cruelty and lack of sensitivity.

Below is a gory video showing the process and a proud Vet Department spokesperson issuing dire warnings to other farmers who would dare do what the poor farmer who owned the lot of goats did.
The destruction order from the Vet Department.

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