Higher Life And Parirenyatwa Team Up To Offer Free PCR Tests To Students

Last Updated: March 16, 2021By

They say the best things in life are free. While COVID PCR tests are going for US$60+ in private institutions the Strive Masiiyiwa owned HIgher Life Foundation has teamed up with Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals to offer free PCR testing for students. According to the notice this will cover tertiary and secondary school students.

The operation will run from 15 March to 22 March which means testing started yesterday and will end next week on Monday. The operation will be conducted with the casualty car park at the hospital and an estimated 150 students will be tested per day.

In order to prevent adults from abusing the facility students are required to bring their school identity cards and a letter from their school principle confirming that they are indeed a student. This is especially important for tertiary students as they tend to be older and hard to distinguish from members of the general populace.

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