Some weeks ago, FINSEC announced that their C-Trade platform users could now trade in derivative securities. As we explained in an earlier article, derivatives are non-traditional securities and when compared to shares or mutual funds, they can be very tricky to master and understand. To help with this, FINSEC has in the past offered various educational sessions to help users get started. At the end of this month, August, they are, in partnership with the Harare Institute of Technology (HIT), offering a derivatives MasterClass that will provide a more formal introduction to the world of derivatives and how you get to make money in that field.

Below is a flier of the event they shared with us:

Already you can notice a few differences between the events on derivatives in the past and this one. For starters, this will last for days, unlike the previous events that lasted no more than a couple of hours. This is because this MasterClass is more than just a seminar. It will offer in-depth and comprehensive coverage of the derivatives market, including key concepts, processes involved and the usefulness of derivatives. You will also learn about strategies you can use as well as how to manage the inherent risk of derivatives. If you had also not noticed this is an Executive MasterClass which means it is not just meant for traders but is mostly aimed at executives, CEOs, Trustees and other key policy makers. The MasterClass will cost you US$180 and trust me given what you will learn it will be money well spent.

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