EU to give US$12 to poor Zimbabweans every month

Last Updated: August 11, 2021By Tags: ,

The COVID-19 pandemic has left a of Zimbabweans living in poverty. More people are now living below the poverty datum line compared to 2017. The Zimbabwean government, despite numerous promises, has simply failed to bail those people out. The European Union has now promised to come to their rescue.

EU to pay US$12 pocket money to poverty-stricken Zimbabweans
THE European Union says it will pay US$12 monthly pocket money to every urban Zimbabwean struggling to access basic foodstuffs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. US$3.6m will be wired through Western Union or an e-voucher.

The aid will be chanelled via the UN’s World Food Programme. The EU ambassador to Zimbabwe, Timo Olkkonen, says while this assistance will provide much-needed relief, real transformation in the quality of life can only come from genuine economic and political reforms.

Newshawks on Twitter

It’s not clear how people be onboarded to the program or how people will be selected. However, no doubt a lot of families will appreciate this aid.

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