Ecocash Raises Minimum Purchase Amounts For ZESA Tokens To $50

Last Updated: October 29, 2019By Tags: ,

Ten days after ZESA announced that they were raising the minimum purchase amount for prepaid tokens to $20 ZWL, Ecocash have announced that those wishing to use their platform to buy ZESA tokens have to buy a token of at least $50.

Public Notice

Dear Valued Customer

Please be advised that the minimum purchase amount for electricity tokes on EcoCash s now ZW$50 with effect from 28 October 2019.

The part of the message announcing the raise

It’s probably a system capacity issue

With cash shortages, Ecocash has become the defacto replacement in people’s daily lives. The system has often struggled and crumbled under pressure and from time to time in a bid to reduce pressure on the system, Ecocash has had to raise minimum transaction limits.

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