Ecocash And Swipe Down At The Moment For First Capital Customers

Last Updated: October 9, 2019By Tags:

Last week it was Steward, this week it’s First Capital. The bank has just sent an announcement that their card services are down. This means in turn that Ecocash related transactions, mobile banking and ZIPIT transactions can also not be performed.

This means you cannot do the following things right now, for example:

  • Wallet to bank and bank to wallet using Ecocash
  • Buy ZESA tokens
  • Swipe to pay at tills and point of sales
  • Do any mobile money-related functions
  • Send money using ZIPIT

Service Disruption Notice

Important Notice: Temporary Disruption of Card Services

Please be advised that card services are currency down. This will impact Ecocash, Mobile Banking and Zipit transactions.
In-brand and internet services are not impacted.

We are working tirelessly to resolve these issues and will advise when restored.

Customer Service

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