Warning: You Will Not Be Able To Use Ecocash For A Better Part Of This Coming Weekend
If you are one of those people who likes to be prepared you need to know this: You will not be able to use Ecocash for at least 24 hours this coming weekend due to a scheduled upgrade.
Ecocash posted the following notice on its social media platforms, warning of a major upgrade:
Dear Valued Customer
Please be advised that we will be carrying out a major planned system upgrade on the EcoCash system from 9 pm on Saturday the 16th of November 2019 to 9 pm on Sunday the 17th of November 2019.All EcoCash Services will not be available during this period.
We apologize for any inconveniences that may be caused.
Live Life the EcoCash Way!

Best be prepared
This is a major upgrade and its stands to reason Ecocash will have set aside ample time to deal with any issues that might crop up. However, sometimes, as we have seen with banks, upgrades might not go according to plan. So it’s best to be prepared.
The good news is that now its easier to withdraw cash from banks, so try to make sure you have cash reserves. You can also make use of your bank account if you have one. If you don’t there are plenty of banks that offer instant accounts.
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