Inflation Fell To 8% In August But The Total Consumption Poverty Line Rose To $17000 ZWL, Here Is Why

Most Zimbabweans consider themselves to be well versed when it [...]

By |2020-09-18T06:47:23+02:00September 18, 2020|Analysis and Opinion, Groceries, News|0 Comments

Over Half Of Zimbabwe’s Forex Currency Goes Towards Importing Food, Putting Pressure On The Exchange Rate

Zimbabwe has so far conducted 8 foreign currency auctions since [...]

Even If You Use A Foreign Number, The Zimbabwean Government Can Hack Your WhatsApp. Here Is How They Can Do It

Here is the simple sad truth, if the Zimbabwean government [...]

By |2020-08-11T11:10:26+02:00August 11, 2020|Analysis and Opinion, Tips and Advice|2 Comments
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