ZESA (ZETDC) Electricity Tariffs-February 2025

Last Updated: February 1, 2025By

These are the latest ZERA-approved tariffs for the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC), the division of ZESA that provides electricity to homes and other final consumers.

Latest ZESA Tariffs Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Consumption Bands Price per Unit in ZiG Est Price including 6% REA (ZiG) Price in per Unit in USD (Estimated)
First 50 Units 2.1188 ZiG 2.2459 ZiG US$0.08
51-100 2.3836 ZiG 2.5266 ZiG US$0.09
101-200 4.2375 ZiG 4.4918 ZiG US$0.16
201-300 6.0914 ZiG 6.4569 ZiG US$0.23
301-400 6.6211 ZiG 7.0184 ZiG US$0.25
401 and above 6.8859 ZiG 7.2991 ZiG US$0.26
The latest ZESA tariffs

Last Updated on Tuesday 25 February 2025 at 14:40:53 Central Africa Time


  • USD equivalent prices are automatically updated by our system based on the prevailing market rates.
  • This is done for informational purposes only.
  • ZiG are automatically calculated by our systems based on current rates
  • Some of the tariffs given by ZESA do not include a 6% Rural Electrification Levy
  • The tariffs on the right are our own estimations when the levy is included
  • Units and kWh/hour are one and the same thing.
  • For now, only exporters and businesses such as mines are billed in USD or foreign currency, domestic users and other users are still being billed in ZiG for the foreseeable future.

When will the tariffs start to apply?

According to the approval given by ZERA, the tariffs are coming into effect immediately. The new tariffs came into effect on Saturday, 30 March 2024. It is important to note that sometimes tariffs just come into effect without being publicly announced.

What are the current tariffs for each band?

If you're looking to save money on your ZESA bill, it's important to understand the stepped tariff system. With this system, the more power you consume, the more you'll pay per unit. Here are the current tariffs for each band:

  • For the first 50 units, you will pay 2.25 ZIG per unit (about US$0.08 per unit), for a total of 112.30 ZIG. The total discounted units up to this point are 50 units which will cost you a total of 112.30 ZIG
  • For 51-100 Units, you will pay 2.53 ZIG per unit (about US$0.09 per unit), for a total of 126.33 ZIG. The total discounted units up to this point are 100 units which will cost you a total of 238.63 ZIG
  • For 101-200 Units, you will pay 4.49 ZIG per unit (about US$0.16 per unit), for a total of 449.18 ZIG. The total discounted units up to this point are 200 units which will cost you a total of 687.81 ZIG
  • For 201-300 Units, you will pay 6.46 ZIG per unit (about US$0.23 per unit), for a total of 645.69 ZIG. The total discounted units up to this point are 300 units which will cost you a total of 1 333.50 ZIG
  • For 301-400 Units, you will pay 7.02 ZIG per unit (about US$0.25 per unit), for a total of 701.84 ZIG. The total discounted units up to this point are 400 units which will cost you a total of 2 035.34 ZIG
  • For 401 and above Units, you will pay 7.30 ZIG per unit (about US$0.26 per unit),

In order for you to take advantage of the affordable bands, you need to spend almost 2 100.00 ZIG (US$79.29) after levy. This will get you 400 kWh of electricity. If you spend more than this everything above 2 100.00 ZIG (US$79.29) will be charged at the expensive tariff of 7.30 ZIG per unit. If you spend less it means you are not taking advantage of the preferential tariffs available to you.

Is electricity cheaper on the first day of the month?

The answer is yes and no. Each month you are entitled to a discounted 400 units (kWh) of electricity which costs about 2 100.00 ZIG (US$$79.29) at current tariffs. So the first 2 100.00 ZIG (US$$79.29) you spend gets you 400 kWh of electricity. Therefore even if you buy electricity on the 10th as long as it is your first purchase of the month your 2 100.00 ZIG (US$$79.29) will get you 400kWh. This quota is restored on the first day of each month. This means that if you bought up all your 400 kWh in February from 1 March you can now buy that 400 kWh at 2 100.00 ZIG (US$79.29) You can buy that amount on 1 March or 20 March, it doesn’t matter, so long as it’s your first purchase and it’s March.

Each new month the quota resets. This has resulted in the myth that electricity is cheaper on the first day of each month. It’s not true, each month your cheap quota of 400 kWh is restored.

What is a stepped tariff?

UnitsCost Excl REAREA in ZiGTotal Charge (ZiG)
50105.94 ZIG6.36 ZIG112.30 ZIG
100225.12 ZIG13.51 ZIG238.63 ZIG
200648.87 ZIG38.93 ZIG687.81 ZIG
3001 258.01 ZIG75.48 ZIG1 333.50 ZIG
4001 920.13 ZIG115.21 ZIG2 035.34 ZIG
5002 608.72 ZIG156.52 ZIG2 765.25 ZIG
6003 297.32 ZIG197.84 ZIG3 495.16 ZIG
7003 985.91 ZIG239.15 ZIG4 225.07 ZIG
8004 674.50 ZIG280.47 ZIG4 954.98 ZIG
9005 363.10 ZIG321.79 ZIG5 684.89 ZIG
10006 051.69 ZIG363.10 ZIG6 414.80 ZIG
11006 740.29 ZIG404.42 ZIG7 144.71 ZIG

ZESA does not use a flat tariff like it used to. Instead, they use a stepped tariff. What this means is that the first few units you buy are cheaper. So, for example, the first 50 units you buy each month attract a charge of 2.25 ZIG per unit. The next 51-100 units are charged a rate of 2.53 ZIG . The idea is to make sure those who are poor can afford electricity but also make sure that those who use a lot of electricity pay more. So the more you use the more expensive the electricity becomes. Each month you get 400 kWh you can buy at a discounted rate.

I am still confused how many units will I get if I spend this much?

How much you will get depends on how much electricity you have already bought in that particular month. If this is your first time buying electricity that month you will get electricity at a cheaper rate. You can use our ZESA calculator here to know exactly how many units you will get. As already said above you can always buy your cheap units anytime during the month and not necessarily on the first of each month.

Does cooking in the evening or early in the morning save electricity?

There are social media posts that claim that you can save on electricity if you use power early in the morning or late at night. That is false. For domestic users, ZESA only has one tariff regime whether it’s off-peak or during peak hours. When you top up on units these units represent actual KWHs. The amount of power devices consume does not normally depend on the time of day. This means that you will not save any power by cooking late at night or early in the morning.

What is a unit?

ZESA power is sold in units. One unit is equal to 1 kWh.

Where can I buy electricity?

If you want to pay using Ecocash/OneMoney consider buying using the methods below.

Because electricity is that important there are so many places and ways to buy electricity we cannot possibly list them all. However, here are some of the ways:

  • Using Ecocash or other mobile money wallets i.e. OneMoney and Telecash
  • Using mobile or internet banking- all of Zimbabwe’s major banks allow you to buy electricity tokens via USSD, banking apps or online banking
  • You can also top up ZESA using Paynow which is an online system.
  • Buy from vendors, these grace every neighbourhood and often when everything else fails, buying from a vendor will work
  • Buy from your nearest ZESA office. This is your best bet if the system seems down on other portals.