Vehicle change of ownership fees (Excise Duty)-March 2025

Last Updated: June 1, 2022By

When you buy a second-hand vehicle in Zimbabwe you will have to pay a specified Excise Duty. This duty is often known colloquially as change of ownership fees. This fee is paid so that the vehicle registration book and the other particulars of the vehicle can be changed from the original owner’s name into your name. Without wading into the complexities of contracts of sale it is important to note that even in cases where you get a vehicle for free you will be required to pay Excise Duty unless you get the vehicle in one of the following transactions:

  • You get the car from your husband or wife and you are married to them under customary law or under the marriage act.
  • If you receive a car from your parents confusingly your parents have to be married either customarily or under the marriage act for you to be exempt.
  • If it’s a company car which is being transferred from one company to another and both companies have the same owner. For example companies that are in the same group e.g. Steward Bank and Ecocash
  • If you inherit a car as part of a deceased estate i.e. a relative of yours has passed away and left you the car in their will.

The change of ownership fee you will pay will depend on how old your car is. Generally, duty is less for old cars which makes sense because they tend to be worth less than recently made cars.

How long ago (in years) the car was madeEngine CapacityNew Excise Duty Rate (US$)New Excise Duty Rate (Z$)
0-4Up to 1000 CC$30039 000
0-41001-1500 CC$40052 000
0-41501 – 2000 CC$50065 000
0-42001 – 2500 CC$60078 000
0-42501 – 3000 CC$60078 000
0-43001 – 3500 CC$60078 000
0-4Above 3501 CC$60078 000
5-10Up to- 1000 CC$15019 500
5-101001-1500 – CC$20026 000
5-101501 – 2000 CC$25032 500
5-102001 – 2500 CC$30039 000
5-102501 – 3000 CC$40052 000
5-103001 – 3500 CC$40052 000
5-10Above 3501 CC$40052 000
11-15Up to 1000 CC$759 750
11-151001-1500 – CC$10013 000
11-151501 – 2000 CC$15019 500
11-152001 – 2500 CC$20026 000
11-152501 – 3000 CC$20026 000
11-153001 – 3500 CC$20026 000
11-15Above 3501 CC$20026 000
16-20Up to 1000 CC$50$6 500 ZWL
16-201001-1500 – CC$75$9 750 ZWL
16-201501 – 2000 CC$100$13 000 ZWL
16-20Above 2000 CC$150$19 500 ZWL
Above 20 yearsAll Capacities$50$6 500 ZWL