National Employment Council (NEC) Minimum Wages

Last Updated: July 8, 2020By

The National Employment Council, in consultation with various unions for each sector, determines the minimum wages payable to employees of each sector. Workers are grouped into grades and minimum wage is assigned to that grade.

Employers who pay below these wages are considered to be in arrears and can be taken to labour court where they will be forced to pay all amounts owing.

Wages for the Agricultural Industry July 2020

General Agriculture SectorOld Minimum WageNew Minimum Wage (1 July 2020)[88.33%]
GradeZWL $ZWL $
A11 2002 250
A21 2872 424
A31 4172 669
B11 5132 849
B21 6203 051
B31 7533 301
B41 9003 578
B52 0573 874
C12 2204 181
C22 4004 520
  • The following parties were involved in the process:
    • The National Employment Council
    • Agricultural Employers Organisation (ZAEO),
    • Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union (ZCFU)
    • Zimbabwe Farmers Union (ZFU)
    • Commercial Farmers Union (CFU),
    • Zimbabwe Tobacco Association (ZTA),
    • General Agriculture and Plantation Worker’s Union of Zimbabwe (GAPWUZ) and
    • Horticulture, General Agriculture and Plantation Worker’s Union of Zimbabwe (HGAPWUZ)