Ecocash Tariff Calculator
Send fee +2% Tax
Govt 2% Tax
Bill Payment Fee+2% Tax
Merchant Fee+ 2% Tax
Ecocash Calculator, Fees And Limits-February 2025
Since it was introduced Ecocash, has always charged its fees depending:
- on the amount involved in the transaction
- This fee is not flat but rather covers various bands e.g. amounts from $200 to $249 incur a certain charge that is fixed throughout that band
- This fee also depends on the type of transaction involved e.g. sending money, paying a bill, paying a merchant etc.
- Sometimes the fee depends on the party you are paying/who is receiving the money, for some bills you get a discounted fee. For others, such as sending money to an unregistered person you pay more.
Ecocash Fees ZWL Wallet
Please note below are ZWL tariffs and limits for USD Wallet charges and limits please go to this page
- The 2% IMT tax now only applies to transactions above $1000 ZWL
Lower Band | Upper Band | Bill Payment | Send Money | Pay Merchant |
1.00 | 9.99 | 1.62 | 1.08 | 1.40 |
10.00 | 19.99 | 2.27 | 2.24 | 2.28 |
20.00 | 29.99 | 2.78 | 3.30 | 3.24 |
30.00 | 39.99 | 4.04 | 4.32 | 5.21 |
40.00 | 49.99 | 5.06 | 5.90 | 6.29 |
50.00 | 74.99 | 7.02 | 7.97 | 8.54 |
75.00 | 99.99 | 15.86 | 15.90 | 19.59 |
100.00 | 149.99 | 21.92 | 22.77 | 21.81 |
150.00 | 199.99 | 22.65 | 29.42 | 24.69 |
200.00 | 299.99 | 25.95 | 36.24 | 27.68 |
300.00 | 499.99 | 40.85 | 48.09 | 46.47 |
500.00 | 999.99 | 86.73 | 96.35 | 93.77 |
1000.00 | 1499.99 | 130.10 | 146.42 | 137.10 |
1500.00 | 1999.99 | 173.46 | 197.73 | 188.72 |
2000.00 | 2499.99 | 218.64 | 247.17 | 234.93 |
2500.00 | 2999.99 | 262.38 | 296.58 | 278.33 |
3000.00 | 5000.00 | 3.40% | 3.55% | 3.48% |
More than 5000.00 | 3.40% | 3.55% | 3.48% |
- Cash-in is FREE. This applies to the USD wallet as there is no cashi-in when using the ZWL wallet
- Send Money Max $75 000 ZWL per transaction and $350 000 ZWL per month
- Pay Merchant and Pay Bill Max $150 000 ZWL per transaction up to $600 000 ZWL per week
- Transactions for less than $100 ZWL are FREE
- Balance Inquiry $20 ZWL
- Bank To Wallet is Free
- Request Bank Balance $20 ZWL
- Request Bank Statement $20 ZWL
Bank To Wallet
Bank | Minimum Amount (ZWL$) | Charge for the transacted amount |
First Capital | 50.00 | 3% |
ZB Bank | 30.00 | 2% |
Agribank | – | 2% |
NBS | 40.00 | 2.5% |
POSB | 40.00 | 2.5% |
Ecobank | – | – |
FBC | – | 3% |
CBZ | 10.00 | 5% |
BancABC | 10.00 | 2.5% |
Stanbic Bank | 50.00 | 2% |
Steward Bank | – | – |
NMB | 20.00 | 2.5% |
CABS | 100.00 | 2% |
Nedbank | 30.00 | 1.5% |
Other charges and limits
Transaction | Lower | Upper Value | Fees |
Cash In | 1 | 75 000 | Free |
Send Money to Registered Customer | 1 | 75 000 | See Above |
Send Money to Non Registered Customer | 1 | 75 000 | See Above |
Merchant Payments | 1 | 600 000 | See Above |
Bill Payments | 1 | 150 000 | See Above |
Cash Out Unregistered | 1 | 75 000 | Free |
Airtime Top-Up | 2 | 75 000 | Free |
Airtime | 2 | 75 000 | Free |
Balance Enquiry | N/A | N/A | 20 |
Account History | N/A | N/A | 20 |
Change PIN | N/A | N/A | Free |
Bank to Wallet | 1 | 75 000 | Free |
Bank Balance Enquiry | N/A | N/A | 20 |
Bank Statement | N/A | N/A | 20 |
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