Fruit And Vegetable Prices- Mbare Musika-March 2025

Last Updated: March 26, 2025By

Latest Prices of Fruits and Vegetables At Mbare Musika

Mbare Musika Prices on Saturday, 29 March 2025

Item Quantity Price In $USD Price in ZiG
ApplesBox (12 kg )US$12.00480.00 ZIG
AvocadoFruit (Medium )US$0.7530.00 ZIG
Baby MarrowPunnet or Kaylite (1 kg)US$2.0080.00 ZIG
BananaCrate (22 kg )US$10.00400.00 ZIG
BeetrootBundle (1 kg )US$2.50100.00 ZIG
BroccoliPacket (1 kg)US$2.50100.00 ZIG
BroilersBird (Live)US$7.00280.00 ZIG
ButternutPocket (10 kg)US$3.00120.00 ZIG
Butternut50kg Sack (60 kg )US$20.00800.00 ZIG
Button MushroomPunnet or Kaylite (300g)US$2.50100.00 ZIG
CabbageHead (Large )US$1.0040.00 ZIG
CarrotsPunnet or Kaylite (400 g)US$1.0040.00 ZIG
Carrots50kg Sack (60 kg )US$15.00600.00 ZIG
CauliflowerPacket (1 kg)US$2.50100.00 ZIG
Chili Pepper5L Gallon (5 kg )US$2.0080.00 ZIG
Cooked Dried GroundnutsBucket (20 kg )US$9.00360.00 ZIG
CovoBundle (6.5 kg )US$3.50140.00 ZIG
Cucumber50kg Sack (60 kg )US$12.00480.00 ZIG
Dehulled Traditional RiceBucket (20 kg )US$18.00720.00 ZIG
Dried Black JackBucket (20 kg )US$12.00480.00 ZIG
Dried CabbageBucket (20 kg )US$10.00400.00 ZIG
Dried CovoBucket (20 kg )US$10.00400.00 ZIG
Dried Cow Peas LeavesBucket (20 kg )US$10.00400.00 ZIG
Dried MaizeBucket (20 kg )US$9.50380.00 ZIG
EggsCrate (Large )US$4.00160.00 ZIG
GarlicPacket (1 kg)US$3.00120.00 ZIG
GingerPacket (1 kg)US$3.50140.00 ZIG
Green Beans50kg Sack (60 kg )US$12.00480.00 ZIG
Green MaizeDozen (Medium )US$5.00200.00 ZIG
Green Pepper50kg Sack (60 kg )US$15.00600.00 ZIG
Guinea Fowl HangaBird (Live)US$10.00400.00 ZIG
Kapenta MatembaBucket (10kg)US$38.001 520.00 ZIG
LemonBucket (20 kg )US$5.00200.00 ZIG
LettuceHead (Large )US$1.0040.00 ZIG
Mopane Worms MadoraBucket (20 kg )US$75.003 000.00 ZIG
White Sorghum MapfundeBucket (20 kg )US$18.00720.00 ZIG
Sour Fruit MasawuBucket (20 kg )US$8.00320.00 ZIG
Snot Apple Matohwe5L Gallon (5 kg )US$3.50140.00 ZIG
Baobab Fruit MauyuBucket (20 kg )US$4.00160.00 ZIG
Pearl Millet MhungaBucket (20 kg )US$18.00720.00 ZIG
Cooked Dried Maize MumhareBucket (20 kg )US$15.00600.00 ZIG
Cow Peas NyembaBucket (20 kg )US$12.00480.00 ZIG
Groundnuts NzunguBucket (20 kg )US$35.001 400.00 ZIG
Off LayersBird (Live)US$5.00200.00 ZIG
Okra5L Gallon (5 kg )US$4.00160.00 ZIG
OnionsPocket (10 kg)US$7.00280.00 ZIG
OrangesPocket (3 kg)US$7.00280.00 ZIG
Oyster MushroomPunnet or Kaylite (200 g)US$2.0080.00 ZIG
PawpawHead (Large )US$3.00120.00 ZIG
Peas50kg Sack (60 kg )US$15.00600.00 ZIG
PineapplesBox (12 kg )US$12.00480.00 ZIG
PopcornBucket (20 kg )US$10.00400.00 ZIG
Large PotatoesPocket (15 kg)US$9.00360.00 ZIG
Medium PotatoesPocket (15 kg)US$8.00320.00 ZIG
RapeBundle (6.5 kg )US$4.50180.00 ZIG
PumpkinsEach (2.5kg)US$2.50100.00 ZIG
Red PepperPacket (1 kg)US$3.00120.00 ZIG
Roadrunner ChickensBird (Live)US$7.00280.00 ZIG
Soya BeansBucket (20 kg )US$12.00480.00 ZIG
StrawberriesPunnet or Kaylite (200 g)US$4.00160.00 ZIG
Sugar BeansBucket (20 kg )US$25.001 000.00 ZIG
SugarcaneBundle (20 kg )US$0.000.00 ZIG
Sweet PotatoesBucket (20 kg )US$11.00440.00 ZIG
Sweet Potatoes50kg Sack (60 kg )US$20.00800.00 ZIG
Gogoya TaroBucket (20 kg )US$13.00520.00 ZIG
TomatoesSandak (30 kg )US$12.00480.00 ZIG
TomatoesBox (9 kg )US$4.00160.00 ZIG
TsungaBundle (6.5 kg )US$4.50180.00 ZIG
TurkeyBird (Live)US$20.00800.00 ZIG
WatermelonHead (Large )US$3.00120.00 ZIG
Yams MadhumbeBucket (20 kg )US$10.00400.00 ZIG
Yellow PepperPacket (1 kg)US$2.50100.00 ZIG
Finger Millet ZviyoBucket (20 kg )US$18.00720.00 ZIG
Latest prices from Mbare Musika

Last Updated on Monday 17 February 2025 at 08:43:55 Central Africa Time

  • Traders at Mbare have an aversion against RTGS dollars they only accept USD and if they must ZiG notes.
  • There has been a general potato shortage these past couple of weeks so expect prices to be higher than usual.
  • Tomatoes are in excess supply so prices are a bit lower than usual.
  • Due to the drought, there is a massive madora (mopane worm) shortage. Expect to pay more than US$100 for a bucket. A small cup will cost you more than US$3
  • A price of $0 means the item was not found on the given day