ZRP Says They Are Investigating A US$2.5 Million Heist That Took Place On Wednesday

Last Updated: January 7, 2021By Tags: ,

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has issued a statemet on their social media page saying that they are investigating a US$2.5 million dollar cash robbery that took place yesterday (7 January) in Gwebi. According to the message the robbers also got away with $40 000 ZWL cash in the process. The other details of the incident are still unknown.

BREAKING NEWS The ZRP is investigating circumstances which led to a cash-in-transit m/veh [sic] robbery of USD2.5 million & ZWL $40 000 at Gwebi Bridge lay-bye on 6/1/21 at 1400 hrs. Anyone with information on the four suspects to contact any nearest Police Station.

ZRP on Twitter

Ever since Zimbabwe returned back to the multicurrency, people have shown a preference for USD cash and shied away from the banking system. This can be easily explained by the fact that electronic transactions now attract a 2% tax which quickly adds up when transacts a lot. Then there is also the fact that on multiple occasion the government and central bank have been quiet willing to forcefully convert people’s USD balances using very low official rates essentially emptying people’s accounts in the process and replacing US balances with ZWL.

Large cash sums that banks and Money Transfer Agencies require to fulfil this thirst for cash offer an attractive target to robbers. Sometimes even employees of such entities are involved. A few months ago a Mukuru cash van was robbed by the guard and driver who were tasked with making the delivery. No one has heard from them since.

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