ZRP reveal that they are investigating this morning’s fatal mine explosion

Last Updated: October 8, 2021By

Earlier this morning we learnt that several people had died in Mazowe due to a fatal explosion at Sasai Mine. It’s not clear what caused the Oxygen tanks to explode but it was revealed that about 5 Chinese nationals had died as well as one child. Now the ZRP has confirmed that the accident indeed did happen and they were investigating. They also revealed that 6 nationals and a Zimbabwean had died. It’s not clear whether the Zimbabwean in question is the child.

Below is their full statement on the incident


The Zimbabwe Republic Police is investigating the circumstances in which six foreign nationals as well as a Zimbabwean died when some gas cylinders exploded at SAS Mine, Lowdale on 07th October 2021.

One person was critically injured and is currently at a local hospital.

More details to follow in due course as the scene is being attended.

(Nyathi P) Assistant Commissioner

Senrior Staff Officer (Press, Public and Int. Relations) to the Commissioner General of Police

Police General Headquarters

The full text of the Police Notice

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