Zimbabwe’s Central Vehicle Registry to De-register Unlicensed Vehicles

The Central Vehicle Registry (CVR) and Zimbabwe National Road Administration (ZINARA) recently issued a joint statement on the de-registration of unlicensed vehicles. According to the statement, all vehicles that have not been licensed for a period of two years or more will be automatically de-registered from the Central Vehicle Registry (CVR) database. This move is in accordance with The Vehicle Registry and Licensing Act Chapter 13:14 Section 12 Paragraphs (c) and (d).

What is Vehicle Licensing?

Vehicle licensing is the process of obtaining a legal permit to operate a motor vehicle on public roads. This process involves the payment of a fee to the government, and the issuance of a license plate or registration certificate. Vehicle licensing is mandatory in most countries, including Zimbabwe.

Why is Vehicle Licensing Important?

Vehicle licensing is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to ensure that all vehicles on the road are roadworthy and safe to drive. Secondly, it helps to generate revenue for the government, which can be used to maintain and improve the country’s road infrastructure. Lastly, vehicle licensing is a legal requirement, and failure to comply can result in fines or even imprisonment.

De-registration of Unlicensed Vehicles

The de-registration of unlicensed vehicles is a necessary step to ensure that the CVR database is up-to-date and accurate. According to The Vehicle Registry and Licensing Act Chapter 13:14 Section 12 Paragraph (c) and (d), the Registrar may cancel the registration of a vehicle if it has not been licensed or exempted for a period exceeding two years, or if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the vehicle is no longer required to be registered.

The Re-registration Process

Once a vehicle has been de-registered, the re-registration process can begin. This process includes the clearance of outstanding vehicle licensing arrears, obtaining police clearance, and obtaining a Certificate of Roadworthiness from the Vehicle Inspectorate Department (VID). It is important for vehicle owners to comply with these requirements in order to avoid the de-registration of their vehicles.

Using a De-registered Vehicle is a Criminal Offence

It is important to note that using a de-registered vehicle on Zimbabwe’s roads is a criminal offence. This means that anyone caught driving a de-registered vehicle could face fines or even imprisonment. It is therefore essential for vehicle owners to ensure that their vehicles are properly licensed and registered with the CVR.

The de-registration of unlicensed vehicles is a necessary step to ensure that the CVR database is up-to-date and accurate. Vehicle owners must ensure that their vehicles are properly licensed and comply with the requirements for re-registration to avoid de-registration and potential legal consequences. The government of Zimbabwe is committed to ensuring road safety and generating revenue for the country through vehicle licensing.

How much are the current fees?

To find out the current licensing fees for your vehicle, please check out our up-to-date page on ZINARA Licensing Fees. The page contains a comprehensive list of the fees for different vehicle classes based on their net mass in kilograms. The fees are updated monthly and are available in both Zimbabwean dollars and US dollars. The page also includes a disclaimer that the USD equivalent prices are only for informational purposes and are automatically updated based on the prevailing market rates.

If you want to avoid having your vehicle automatically de-registered from the Central Vehicle Registry (CVR) database, it is essential to ensure that your licensing fees are paid up to date. Failure to comply with the licensing requirements will result in the automatic de-registration of your vehicle.

To make the payment process easier for you, we can estimate what you would pay if you gave someone with ZWL to make the payment on your behalf and gave them USD. This estimation is based on our extensive and thorough knowledge of the prevailing market rates.

It is recommended that you bookmark our page on ZINARA Licensing Fees so that you can easily access the updated information each month.

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