Zimbabwe Records A Shocking 12 Covid-19 Deaths In One Day As Health Sector Goes To Hell
Zimbabwe recorded a shocking 12 coronavirus deaths on Thursday according to the latest tally by the government. This is easily the highest number of deaths in a single day that Zimbabwe has witness as the health sector goes to hell. This brings the number of total deaths to 53 with cumulative cases standing at 3 092. The government has also started separating between cases tested using the rapid tests and PCR. Rapid tests are notorious for their false positives.
The spike in deaths comes after various hospitals and clinics have closed down after nurses and health staff tested positive. Nurses have downed tools citing multiple grievances including the fact there is a chronic shortage of essential protective equipment in clinics and hospitals. Yesterday senior doctors also downed their tools leaving the public stranded. The sector has no minister or permanent secretary making is more or less rudderless.
The shocking number of deaths does not even include the spike in natural causes resulting from a collapsed health sector. Patients are being turned away even when they are showing serious symptoms. Pregnant mothers have nowhere to go as hospitals have essentially shut their doors. This week Harare Central Hospital lost 7 babies in one night due to delayed medical attention.

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