In a devastating turn of events, a massive fire engulfed the Mbare Musika retail market in Harare on Tuesday evening, 8 October 2024, leaving hundreds of vendors in tears and causing significant property damage. The blaze, which began around nightfall, quickly spread through the market, destroying stalls and goods worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

As dawn broke on Wednesday, the fire had been contained but was still smouldering in parts of the retail market area. Contrary to initial reports, surrounding shops appeared largely unscathed, with many even opening for business the following morning. The cause of the fire remains unknown, with investigations ongoing amidst rampant speculation.

Eyewitnesses report that the fire originated near the retail market corner close to Chicken Slice and Colcom Mbare. The rapid spread of the flames can be attributed to the highly combustible materials used in the construction of many stalls. Most of the structures in the retail area feature black or transparent plastic roofing atop wooden frames, creating an environment conducive to fire propagation.

The corner where the fire reportedly started was particularly vulnerable, housing a plethora of flammable materials including glue, tyre tubes, dried tobacco, rubber, and various plastic products. A strong breeze on the night of the incident further exacerbated the situation, fanning the flames and accelerating their spread.

Fire Brigade’s Challenges and Community Support

The Harare Fire Brigade faced significant challenges in combating the blaze. Their efforts were bolstered by a community outreach programme that supplied an impressive 90,000 litres of water. This additional resource allowed firefighters to remain at the scene continuously, without the need to leave for refills, which proved crucial in containing the fire.

While the retail market bore the brunt of the damage, other sections of Mbare Musika escaped relatively unscathed. The newly constructed Zebra Shopping Mall, stalls in front of Bakers Inn Mbare, and the adjoining fruit and vegetable stalls remained intact. Council offices adjacent to the affected area suffered only minor damage. The farmers’ market continued to operate on Wednesday morning, although much of the area was shrouded in smoke.

Looting and Financial Impact

Law enforcement was called to the scene on Tuesday night to prevent looting, as some opportunistic individuals attempted to take advantage of the chaos. Reports emerged of people fleeing with television sets, solar panels, radios, and batteries. However, for many vendors, the loss of stock to looters pales in comparison to the destruction wrought by the fire itself.

The financial impact of the disaster is still being assessed, but it is undoubtedly severe. Some vendors claim to have lost stock worth up to US$15,000, having recently restocked their inventories. While the market’s appearance may be humble, it serves as a bustling commercial hub, with some vendors reporting daily sales of up to US$1,000.

Speculation and Past Conflicts

Speculation about the fire’s origin has been rife, with some suggesting it may have been an act of arson. Unsubstantiated claims of a petrol bomb being thrown by unnamed saboteurs have circulated. However, authorities have emphasised that there is no evidence to support these allegations, and investigations are ongoing.

It is worth noting that vending spaces in Mbare are highly coveted due to their lucrative nature. In the past, rival gangs have engaged in violent confrontations over control of these valuable commercial spots. The nearby Zebra Shopping Mall, for instance, was the scene of multiple clashes involving machete-wielding gangs before government intervention restored order.

Looking Ahead

As the community begins to grapple with the aftermath of this tragedy, questions arise about fire safety measures and the need for improved infrastructure in Harare’s bustling markets. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability of informal trading spaces and the livelihoods that depend on them.

Local authorities and community leaders are now faced with the challenging task of supporting affected vendors and rebuilding the destroyed sections of the market. The coming days and weeks will be crucial in determining the long-term impact of this disaster on Mbare Musika and the wider Harare community.

As investigations continue and clean-up efforts begin, the resilience of Mbare’s vendors will undoubtedly be put to the test. The road to recovery may be long, but the spirit of this vibrant community market is likely to endure, rising from the ashes of this devastating fire.

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