The City Of Mutare Introduces Water Rationing Due To Rising Costs And Forex Shortages

Last Updated: October 21, 2019By Tags: ,

The City of Mutare has become the latest Zimbabwean city to introduce water rationing in order to counter the rising costs of providing water amidst a foreign currency shortage crisis in the country. This has been made worse by the central government which has refused to approve council budgets that would have seen rates being hiked in line with inflation.


Notice is hereby given that due to the need to equitably distribute available water as well as decreasing water revenue against ever-increasing operational costs. The following water ratiioning schedule shall apply from Monday the 21st of October 2019.

The water schedule

Water challenges are the latest pain that residents have to go through. Shockingly most rationing is not even a direct result of the drought. Rather it is a result of foreign currency shortages that are needed to purchase treatment chemicals.

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