Steward Bank Has New Operating Hours

Last Updated: August 3, 2020By Tags: ,

After so many businesses have had their employees test positive for the coronavirus including banks too, Steward Bank have decided that they are not taking any chances. The bank has now introduced reduced working hours and will now close earlier than 3PM. The Bank has said that customers should make use of mobile and online banking wherever they can.

New operating hours

  • Monday to Friday (Weekdays) the Steward Bank branches will open at 8:00AM and close at 2:00PM
  • On Saturday the operating hours will be from 8:00AM until 11:30AM
  • As always the bank will remain closed on Sundays

In light of the recent increase in COVID-19 cases, we encourage customers to make use of the following digital platforms as opposed to coming into branches:

-Online Banking

-*210# (Kambudzi Banking)

-Square banking App

-Telephone & Email Banking

-WhatsApp banking (0777 222 333)

The new operating hours are already in effect. Steward started using these hours on the 29th of July (last month).

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