RBZ Unfreezes Croco Motors’ Accounts

Last Updated: November 1, 2019By Tags:

Just over a month after the RBZ’s Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) froze the accounts of Croco Motors, reports indicate, that they have now unfrozen the accounts. These accounts had been frozen as part of the RBZ’s fight against illegal forex dealings.

According to the Daily News, Mr Mirirai Chiremba, the director-general of the FIU, wrote a letter to Croco Motors on 29 October informing the company that the FIU had completed their investigations and had not seen anything irregular in the Croco Motors accounts.

With reference to the above, we wish to advise that the FIU has concluded its analysis of your company’s bank accounts. The analysis did not reveal any irregular transactions.

You are, therefore, advised to continue with your normal operations as the directive has now been lifted.

Part of the letter written to Croco Motors by the FIU clearing them of any wrong doing

This essentially clears Croco Motors of any wrongdoing. Expect all the frozen accounts to be similarly cleared by the FIU-eventually. The outcome was never in doubt.

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