On Average Zimbabwe’s Dams Are Now Just Under Half-full: ZINWA

Last Updated: July 16, 2020By Tags:

The 2017-18 and 2018-19 droughts were particularity devastating to the Zimbabwean economy. Water levels in dams fell significantly affecting irrigation, electricity generation and resulting in water rationing. So profound were the effects that even ordinary Zimbabweans started tracking the water levels in various important dams and lakes such as Kariba. ZINWA (Zimbabwe National Water Authority) has now published the latest dam and lake stats.

They say that the average national dam levels are now around 46.4%. While this is certainly better than last year this is 22% below the normal expected levels of 68.8%.

As at July 13, 2020, the national dam level average was 46, 4%, over 20% below the 68, 8% normally expected during this time of the year. Zero flows were also recorded in Runde, Gwayi and Mzingwane Rivers.

Catchments with dam level averages below 50% are Gwayi (40, 4%), Mzingwane (41, 7%), Runde (39, 1%) and Sanyati (36, 9%). Manyame, Mazowe and Save Catchments’ dam level averages are still above 50% at 68%, 69, 8% and 54, 2% respectively.

ZINWA on Twitter

Specific dam/lake levels

Currently the various dams and lakes accross the country are at the following levels:

  • Harava is 7, 2%,
  • Biri 93%,
  • Chivero 55, 3%,
  • Blockley 33, 2%,
  • Mazvikadei 70, 6%,
  • Manyame 65, 2%,
  • Bubi-Lupane 41, 4%,
  • Exchange 42, 9%,
  • Lower Mgusa 57, 7%,
  • Insukamini 21, 4%,
  • Khami 92, 9%

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