Number Plates Are Now Available At CVR For US$80
With the current lockdown in effect we are now, as a country preoccuppied with other things so it is easy to forget certain things that seemed so important last year and even the beggining of this year. Like passports, this country saw a shortage of number plates too. So much that the government was forced to compromise and allow car buyers to keep the previous plates after a car had been sold.
With the shortages, a lot of people started driving their cars around without plates and it seems the police are miffed by this. They have now written a public notice informing the motorists without number plates that there are plates available at Central Vehicle Registry. The plates are going for $80 USD. Now it’s not clear whether Nostro USD is acceptable and whether people can pay using bond notes and RTGS. Recently the government has been on the case of businesses asking them to display prices in both USD and ZWL. It would be unfair to for them to only accept USD in this instance.
The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms that checks with Central Vehicle Registry [CVR] have revealed that they have some stocks of permanent vehicle registration plates.
In this regard all vehicle owners who are displaying temporary plates for 2019 and backwards are implored to visit Central Vehicle Registry offices and acquire the permanent plates with immediate effect. Any vehicles seen on the road without displaying number plates will therefore be impounded by police officers on roadblocks and checkpoints.
The Central Vehicle Registry has advised the police that the permanent plates are costing USD$80.00. Motorists are urged to be exemplary on the roads and ensure they drive vehicles which are legally registered for the effective maintenance of law and order in the country.
[NYATHI. P] Assistant Commissioner Senior Staff Officer[Press, Public and International Relations] To the Commissioner General of Police Police General Headquarters

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I need to change number plates from red to yellow. How easy is it to do and at what cost?
You need to go to the CVR and they will help you with the process. It’s not different from you getting new plates for your car in terms of cost and ease.