Marondera City Council Defends Its Decision To Drill A Borehole Near A Toilet

Last Updated: February 14, 2020By Tags:

Marondera City Council has been forced to defend its decision to drill a borehole near a toilet. Angry residents of the city feel this borehole near Marondera Bus Terminus could be a ticking health time bomb.

In addition to everything urban dwellers have had to contend with water shortages which are usually blamed upon old equipment including pipes, electricity shortages and last year’s drought. Councils in various towns have resolved to mitigate this shortage by establishing water kiosks and drilling boreholes in various areas.

The Marondera Bus Terminus borehole has left some scratching their heads as many remember the typhoid outbreak in Glen View, a Harare suburb, which was blamed on contaminated boreholes.

Marondera’s Council has defended its decision by saying that sitting exercises by engineers showed that there was no underground water near the place except close to that toilet.

It’s icky but it’s probably very safe

While it’s kind of icky to have a borehole near a toilet it is probably all very safe. Most government such toilets are connected to central sewage processing plants so all that water from the toilet is piped to processing plant which is very far away from the toilet and borehole

In any case if the water is treated with chemicals the point of safety is moot anyway.

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