Full Text: ZB’s Group Finance Director is leaving at the end of this year
ZB Bank has put out a notice that their Group Finance Director, Fanuel Kapanje will be resigning at the end of this year on 31 December 2021. According to the notice, Kapanje is leaving the group in order to pursue other opportunities.
Below is the full text of the notice:
Resignation of ZB Financial Holdings Limited Group Finance Director
After a career spanning 19 years with the ZB Financial Holdings Group (ZBFH), the Board of Directors of ZBFH sihes to advise that the Group Finance Director, Mr Fanuel Kapanje will resign from the Company and Board on the 31st of December 2021 in order to pursue other opportunities. He has agreed to serve his notice period which ends on 31st of December 2021.
Fanuel joined the Group then known as Finhold as Group Management Accountant in August 2002. He rose to the rank of Head Group Finance and Accounting in November 2004. a position he held until his promotion to his current role of Group Finance Director in October 2006.
ZBFH is grateful to Fanuel for the leadrship and valued contribution he provided to the Group during his tenure and wishes him success in his future endeavours.
The formal recruitment process to identify a replacedment Group Finance Director is commencing soon and an announcment will be made in due course.
By Order of the Board.
Tinahse FA Masiiiwa
Group Company Secretary
07 October 2021
The full text of the notice

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