Econet Data And SMS Prices To Go Up Tomorrow

Last Updated: October 14, 2019By Tags: , ,

Econet has just sent out another SMS to subscribers informing them that they will be reviewing data and SMS tariffs tomorrow. Again if you are not yet caught up on Zimbabwean business lingo, reviewing simply means come tomorrow prices will have gone up.

Dear Customer. Please take note, bundle prices for Data & SMS will be reviewed effective 15 October 2019. Dial *143# or *151# to buy Data or *140# to buy SMS Bundles.

Message sent out by Econet to its subscribers

Welcome to hyperinflation

The last data and SMS tariff hike by Econet was on the 23rd of September. That is less than a month ago. That tariff hike saw Econet introducing a $230 data bundle that gives you a measily 3 GB. This is hyperinflation ladies and gentlemen where prices change as the hands of the clock move.

It will be interesting to see what manner of pricing they come up with next. Also expect the other two to follow suit soon, could be tomorrow, in the next hour but before the week is out at least one of the two mobile operators is going to announce their own hike.

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