Ecocash partners with OK supermarkets to allow USD cash-ins and cashouts

Last Updated: September 12, 2022By Tags: ,

When Ecocash was at its peak back in 2018 and 2019 the key ingredient to its power was an expansive network of agencies that could be found in every nook and cranny of this country. You could be in the middle of nowhere and still be able to find an Ecocash agent. The RBZ changed that when they banned Ecocash agents. That somehow broke the Ecocash system as these days it is a bit harder to cash in and cash out because there is a limited number of Econet Shops out there. Ecocash seems to be very much aware of this and they are doing something about it too. Now they have partnered with OK Supermarkets.

Ecocash revealed this in a recent message to its customers:

Exciting News! You can now Cash In or Cash Out our US$ in any OK store country wide. Cash in is free and cash guranteed. Live life the Ecocash way.

The SMS from Ecocash to customers

As we have already said, part of the journey to becoming a dominant force in the remittances game is having an extensive network of outlets that allows people to cash in and cash out. Without access to its agents, signing up businesses and incorporating them into its network is the next best thing. There are certainly far fewer OK Supermarkets than there were Ecocash agents during the mobile wallet’s heydays, but the OK network is wide enough. There is practically an OK supermarket in each neighbourhood. That will mean more reach compared to what they have now already.

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