Econet warned subscribers yesterday that they were going to review data and SMS prices effective today. Naturally like every Zimbabwean we strongly suspected the price of data was to go up. Turns out we were right and the price of data has gone up.

Here are the new data prices:

Econet daily data bundle prices as of 15 October 2019

DataCost ZWLValidity Period
40MB$4.001 day
150MB$10.001 day
250MB$13.001 day
600MB$20.001 day
1200MB$351 day

Econet weekly data bundle prices as of 15 October 2019

DataCost ZWLValidity Period
25MB$3.007 days
60MB$6.007 days
160MB$14.007 days
350MB$287 days
700MB$557 days

Econet new monthly data bundle prices as of 15 October 2019

DataCost ZWLValidity Period
270MB$28.0030 days
700MB$70.0030 days
1150MB$11030 days
2100MB$18030 days
3100MB$23030 days
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