Bitumen world to start repairing and expanding Seke road today

Last Updated: August 18, 2021By Tags: ,

Most of Zimbabwe’s roads are in urgent need of attention. This includes urban roads as well as our highways. There is reason to cheer as Seke Road, one of the roads in urgent repair will start getting some love today. Bitument World has announced that they will commence work on the road. This is more than just repair though. The road will be expanded to have dual lanes on each side.

d Bitumen world to repair and expand Seke Road

Expanding the road will of course take care of traffic congestion that have been plaguing Harare but things will get worse before they get better. According to Bitumen world, their repairs will mean that some parts of the road will be closed. This is likely to create bottle necks and congestion. Motorists are therefore urged to plan accordingly. This will probably mean using alternative roads, leaving home or work earlier than usual or taking public transport.

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