As Rain Falls Hard ZESA Struggles With Faults

Last Updated: January 19, 2021By Tags:

This has been an unusual rain season with plenty of steady rainfall. This has put ZETDC’s power lines to the test and more often than not they have crumbled in the rain. A quick perusal of the daily ZESA fault list shows that apart from prevalent transformer thefts the power utility now has to contend with lighting and cable faults caused by too much moisture. Major faults covering entire neighbourhoods have also been frequent. Currently parts of Malbrough don’t have power.

This has prompted ZESA to issue a statement saying they are working on the fault after being inundated by various callers about not having power.


The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) would like to apologize to its valued customers in Harare Region for a power outage due to a fault that occurred at Dorset substation

Below is a list of areas that are affected: Alexander Park, Mt Pleasant, Mt Pleasant Heights. Belgravia, KGV1, Defence College, University of Zimbabwe and the surrounding areas.

ZETDC engineers and technicians are working to rectify the fault. The inconvenience caused is sincerely regretted.

The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) would like to apologize to its valued customers in Harare Region for a power outage due to an underground cable fault that occurred on the feeder supplying them.

Below is a list of & areas that are affected: Avonlea, Trent crescent, Sulgrave, Helena, Mt Batten, Admiral tait, parts of Loughborough, Spencer close, Harare Drive, Harare Way, Marlborough drive, parts of Marlborough east and the surrounding areas.

ZETDC engineers and technicians are working to rectify the fault and customers should expect restoration of service by Wednesday 20 January 2021. The inconvenience caused is sincerely regretted.

ZESA statement on Marlborough faults.

There have also been issues involving foreign currency shortages which have led to transformer faults. A transformer fault can lead to entire neighbourhoods waiting for days without power. The most heartening thing however has been the way ZESA has communicated with the public concerning faults. It has been a refreshing break from the past were one had to make numerous calls. These days the power utility has a page where they publish daily faults on a regular basis.

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