Official And Unofficial Market Exchange Rates-March 2025
The official currency of Zimbabwe is called ZiG, its currency symbol is $ and it’s ISO code is ZWG
Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) Exchange Rates on Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Rate | Value |
1 USD to ZiG | 26.6704 ZiG |
1 ZiG to USD | US$0.0375Official |
Maximum Rate Businesses Can Use | 27.3372 ZiG |
1 USD to ZiG Lowest Informal Sector Rate | 35.0000 ZiG |
1 USD to ZiG Highest Informal Sector Rate | 38.0000 ZiG |
1 ZiG to ZWL | ZWL$2498.7242 |
1 USD to ZiG Cash rate | 40.0000 ZiG |
ZiG to South African Rand (ZAR) | R0.6891 |
1 South African Rand to ZiG | 1.4512 ZiG |
1 ZiG to Botswana Pula | P0.5115 |
1 Botswana Pula to ZiG | 1.9552 ZiG |
1 ZiG to Zambian Kwacha | ZMW1.0720 |
1 Zambian Kwacha to ZiG | 0.9328 ZiG |
1 ZiG to British Pound | £0.0290 |
1 British Pound to ZiG | 34.4963 ZiG |
1 Euro to ZiG | 29.1089 ZiG |
1 Japanese Yen to ZiG | 0.1795 ZiG |
1 Australian Dollar to ZiG | 16.7710 ZiG |
1 ZiG to Tanzanian Shillings | TSh99.0799 |
1 ZiG to Chinese Yuan | CN¥0.2716 |
1 New Zealand Dollar to ZiG | 15.2261 ZiG |
1 Nigerian Naira to ZiG | 0.0174 ZiG |
1 ZiG to Nigerian Naira | ₦57.5886 |
Last Updated on Wednesday 12 March 2025 at 08:53:56 Central Africa Time
Please Note:
- The ZiG, officially Zimbabwe Gold, is now Zimbabwe's official currency, replacing the ZWL on April 5, 2024.
- The currency code for the ZiG is ZWG. The currency symbol is $ (e.g., $10 ZWG = 10 ZiG)
- The last foreign currency auction took place in December 2023 and was officially ended in 2024.
- Businesses and individuals are expected to obtain foreign currency through banks.
- Government departments, the Treasury, and businesses often have arrangements with banks to obtain foreign currency.
- Individuals often face challenges accessing foreign currency from banks due to limited availability, leading to reliance on the black market.
- Banks and financial institutions fully transitioned to the ZiG on April 12, 2024.
- The government is issuing ZiG notes and coins to replace bond notes.
- ZiG notes entered circulation on April 30, 2024.
- The highest denomination ZiG note currently circulating is the $10 ZWG note.
- This website provides information on current prices and exchange rates.
- We do not participate in, support, or condone black market activities, including currency exchange.
Convert Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) notes to USD on Wednesday, 12 March 2025
ZiG Note |
Equivalent Value in USD |
Equivalent Value in Rand (ZAR) |
Equivalent Value in GBP |
1 ZiG | US$0.04 | R0.74 | £0.03 |
2 ZiG | US$0.07 | R1.29 | £0.05 |
5 ZiG | US$0.19 | R3.49 | £0.15 |
10 ZiG | US$0.37 | R6.80 | £0.29 |
20 ZiG | US$0.75 | R13.78 | £0.58 |
50 ZiG | US$1.87 | R34.37 | £1.45 |
100 ZiG | US$3.75 | R68.92 | £2.90 |
200 ZiG | US$7.50 | R137.84 | £5.80 |
Last updated Wednesday 12 March 2025 at 08:53:56 Central Africa Time
Convert US dollar notes to Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) on Wednesday, 12 March 2025
USD Note |
Equivalent Value in ZiG |
US$1 Note | 26.67 ZiG |
US$2 Note | 53.34 ZiG |
US$5 Note | 133.35 ZiG |
US$10 Note | 266.70 ZiG |
US$20 Note | 533.41 ZiG |
US$50 Note | 1 333.52 ZiG |
US$100 Note | 2 667.04 ZiG |
Last updated Wednesday 12 March 2025 at 08:53:56 Central Africa Time
Important Note
Our rates are designed to help you understand and compare prices from various shops. They are not intended to guide you in the black market or illicit foreign currency trading. Our primary focus is on providing accurate pricing information for various items.
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Other Things to Note
Prices in Zimbabwe are closely linked to unofficial exchange rates, which many businesses, including retailers and manufacturers, use to set their prices.
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