Alarm Bells As Zimbabwe Records 3 Corona Deaths In One Day, Local Cases Surge
There is a storm brewing in Zimbabwe as the number of local cases seems to be on the rise. Authorities have said they are investigating the source of these new cases but it is likely that these local cases are stemming from the lax quarantine centres set up for South African returnees that saw a number of people escaping. In a shocking turn of events, Zimbabwe recorded 3 coronavirus deaths yesterday. This is the highest death toll yet and if drastic action is not taken this will be the beginning of a storm.
Today we regret to report three (3) deaths reported from Sally Mugabe Central Hospital (2) and Parirenyatwa Hospital (1), these were detected as part of routine testing of all deaths that occur on admitted patients in hospitals.

Local cases surge
There has been a surge in local transmissions. Authorities say they are trying to investigate the source but it’s almost certain that these local cases are a result of all those escapees who came from quarantine centres set up for returnees. Conditions at these centres were lax allowing people who tested positive to easily escape. Without extensive testing clusters will be difficult to identify and while regional reporting was adequate before more testing centres need to be set up at least on district level.
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