If You Are Receiving Strange EcoCash SMSs You Are Not Alone. Here Is Why This Is Happening

Last Updated: December 3, 2019By Tags: ,

For about a week now we have been receiving strange EcoCash SMS messages with weird output. From what we can gather from numerous groups a lot of people have been receiving these too. What do they mean? Why is EcoCash sending them?

Strange messages from Ecocash

Why you are receiving these messages

From what we can gather some of these messages are actually from the backlog of SMS notifications we did not receive during the hell-week after EcoCash’s now-infamous upgrade. However, instead of sending them to us once these messages keep coming.

The other messages look like algorithms being run on the database probably to clear the processing queue or automatically reverse some obviously failed transactions matching certain criteria, whenever this happens messages are being sent out even to those of us who do not have failed transactions.

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