ZESA in unannounced load-shedding

Last Updated: October 12, 2021By Tags: ,

A few weeks ago ZESA announced that they were embarking on extensive load-shedding because of depressed generation. That would see households spend as much as eight to ten hours without power. It seemed like that was not going to happen but since the weekend several households have announced spending hours in the dark. As usual, it seems like high density and middle design suburbs are getting the brunt of this announced load-shedding.

On Sunday evening suburbs like Mufakose, Warren Park and others spend hours without power which was only restored in the evening. These suburbs including Mbare also lost power on Monday Morning and evening with power being restored around 9 PM. It’s not clear what the issue is but traditionally ZESA has always carried out maintenance work at its power generation plants during the October months.

The company has also been putting up notices on its Twitter page about planned outages in various neighbourhoods. They say this is for maintenance purposes. We checked and it doesn’t seem like this list coincides with the power outages mentioned above which means the extensive maintenance exercise is a separate issue from the load shedding we have observed.

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