Want To Advertise Inside ZUPCO Buses? Here Is What The Company Is Charging

Last Updated: January 16, 2021By Tags: ,

Business might be slow but you still need to advertise. One neglected way to advertise is to place adverts inside ZUPCO buses. This used to be a popular way to advertise in the old days with companies jostling to place adverts inside long distance and intra-urban buses. We had companies images of products like Panol cooking oil, Olivine, Sun Jam and various insurance advertisements plastered inside at strategic locations.

Now that ZUPCO is back there is an opportunity to take advantage of the low demand for this advertising space. ZUPCO offers advertising packages based on how long the advertisement will stay up. They have a daily, weekly and monthly package. Adverts are supposed to be made out of 40cm x 25 cm clear vinyl.

The company is charging the following prices for in-bus ads:

  • Daily package $150 ZWL which will reach an estimated 864 people
  • Weekly package $1 000 ZWL which will reach an estimated 6 048 people
  • Monthly package $3 600 ZWL which will reach an estimated 24 192 people

Worthwhile investment?

Here route choice is an important key factor. If you choose the wrong route you might end up wasting money. Also for the prices the company is charging you can easy use Facebook ads and get better targeting and results.

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